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Canada's Premier At-Home Water Testing & Reporting Solution
Tecia White

About Tecia White M.Sc., P.Geo

I have been a practicing hydrogeologist for over 25 years with expertise in completing water quality and quantity analysis. During this time, I have provided hands-on water quality testing and reporting services for homeowners on their domestic water supplies. Over the years I have seen an increase in rural and city homeowners looking to learn more about the quality of their water supply. To do this, they are retaining experts, like myself, to complete the testing and to provide an explanation of the results in a detailed hydrogeological report.

I have an Honours Degree in Geology from McMaster University, and a Masters Degree in Hydrogeology from University of Toronto. I have also continued my education with advanced water quality courses through University of Waterloo and Fractured Rock Educational Services.

Tecia White

Why Are We Doing This?

With the objectives of increasing access to affordable water testing and advancing homeowners’ knowledge on their drinking water quality, I have brought a team of experts together to develop My Water Quality.

The My Water Quality team has partnered with a laboratory to bring this water supply sampling and reporting service to homeowners across Canada. The laboratory is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 through the Canadian Association of Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) is licensed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) under the Safe Drinking Water Act. They are also proud members of the Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories (CCIL).

Supporting Water First's Drinking Water Internship

$5 of every water quality package purchased through mywaterquality.ca will go to Water First.

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