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Canada's Premier At-Home Water Testing & Reporting Solution

Water Quality Standards

Canadian and Provincial Drinking Water Quality Standards & Guidelines

The Canadian government has set out Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality which set out the maximum acceptable concentrations of substances in drinking water and the basic parameters that every water system should strive to achieve to provide the safest drinking water possible. These national guidelines are voluntary and non-enforceable.

In Canada, the provinces and territories have the authority to make decisions regarding what drinking water standards or guidelines are enforced.

My Water Quality imposes the more stringent of these standards or guidelines to evaluate the quality of your drinking water.

Tecia White

Potential Water Quality Concerns

Common Contaminants (Natural and Man-Made) Found in Groundwater Across Canada

The guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality have been established for various chemicals parameters based on current, published scientific research related to health effects, aesthetic effects, and operational considerations.

Learn About Contaminants

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